LaCinema Classic HD is the sequel to LaCinema Classic. The news is that the device now can handle full HD (up to 1920x1080p), has broader support for file formats, and some other small details that make it an attractive purchase. The device is designed by Neil Poulton, who are already doing some desgin for LaCie.
The device packs a hard drive up to 2TB of storage of media files. You'll find two USB ports that can be used to plug in USB flash drives and external hard drives. HDMI port is for connecting HDTVs, and there are also composite connector and audio outputs including optical one. Ethernet port is for connecting to the network. With a USB-connected WiFi adapter (optional) lets you connect the LaCinema to a wireless network.
Remote control included for you to manage media player through your TV. LaCinema Classic HD has said that DLNA - both server and streamed. That means it can act as a media server if you want to watch movies via a DLNA-compatible devices such as Playstation 3. And with the play button, you can stream video from other DLNA servers (you may have on your PC or on your network drive).
- Video codec : MPEG-1, MPEG-2 / HD, MPEG-4, DivX, DivX HD, XviD, H.264 HD, WMV9 HD, VC-1
- Videoformat: AVI, MP4, MKV, WMV, DivX, DAT, MOV, MPEG, VOB, ASF, TS, TP, TRP, M2TS, DVR-MS, DVD-Video (ISO, Video_TS)
- Ljudformat: MP3, WMA, WAV/PCM/LPCM, AAC*, OGG, FLAC, AC3, MP4, MKA (* Support for iTunes-encoded)
- Under copywriter : SRT, SSA, SUB, SMI, PSB, ASS
- Bilder: JPEG*, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF/TIF (*ej progressive Jpeg)
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